9 Tips for Improving Your CPS Score: The Fast Clicker’s Guide

Are you a competitive gamer, a professional typist, or someone who simply loves setting personal records? Regardless of your motivation, increasing your clicks per second (CPS) score can be a fun and rewarding challenge. A high CPS score can give you an edge in games or simply help you become more efficient at work. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore various techniques and strategies for boosting your CPS score, ensuring you become a lightning-fast clicker in no time.

Understanding CPS

CPS refers to the number of times you can click your mouse within a second. A high CPS score reflects your ability to click faster, which can improve your performance in various tasks, especially in competitive gaming. To test your CPS, you can use online tools like CPS Tester, which tracks your mouse clicks within a set time frame, usually between 1 and 60 seconds.

Top Clicking Methods to Improve Your CPS Score

Butterfly clicking

Butterfly clicking is a popular method among gamers and fast clickers. It involves using two fingers, usually your index and middle fingers, to alternate clicks on the mouse button. By distributing the clicking workload between both fingers, you can dramatically increase your clicking speed. To master this technique:

  • Place your index finger on the left mouse button’s left side.
  • Position your middle finger on the right side of the same button.
  • Alternately press the mouse button using your two fingers.

With practice, you can achieve CPS scores of 15 to 20 using this method.

Jitter clicking

Jitter clicking is another widely-used technique that can help you attain incredibly high CPS scores. It involves tensing your arm and hand muscles and then rapidly vibrating your hand to generate clicks. While this method can yield CPS scores of up to 30, it can also cause muscle strain and fatigue if overused. To practice jitter clicking:

  • Hold your mouse firmly but not too tightly.
  • Tense the muscles in your forearm and hand.
  • Create a rapid, controlled vibration in your hand, allowing your finger to click the mouse button repeatedly.

Drag clicking

Drag-clicking is a more advanced technique that can help you achieve exceptional CPS scores. This method requires a mouse with a sensitive button and involves dragging your finger across the mouse button to register multiple clicks. To drag click effectively:

  • Moisten your fingertip slightly to improve friction.
  • Position your finger at a slight angle on the edge of the mouse button.
  • Apply gentle pressure while swiftly dragging your finger across the button.

With drag-clicking, you can potentially achieve CPS scores of 40 or higher. However, it may take some time to master this technique, and not all mice are suitable for drag clicking.

Additional Tips to Enhance Your Clicking Speed

Tips to Enhance Your Clicking Speed

Invest in a high-quality gaming mouse

A high-quality gaming mouse can make a significant difference in your CPS score. These mice often have more sensitive buttons, higher polling rates, and customizable features that cater to fast clicking. Some gaming mice even have specific settings that optimize click registration for techniques like drag clicking.

Maintain proper ergonomics

Proper ergonomics is essential for maintaining optimal clicking efficiency and preventing injury. Poor ergonomics can cause strain and fatigue in your hands, wrists, and arms, leading to decreased accuracy and speed. When clicking for extended periods, it’s crucial to maintain a neutral wrist position to reduce pressure on your carpal tunnel. A wrist rest can also help prevent strain and fatigue by providing support for your wrist while clicking.

Adjusting your chair and desk height is also essential for proper ergonomics. Your chair should be adjusted so that your feet are flat on the ground, and your knees are at a 90-degree angle. Your desk height should allow you to maintain a neutral wrist position while clicking. If your desk is too high or low, it can cause strain and discomfort in your arms and shoulders.

Enhance Your Clicking Speed

Warm up your hands

Warming up your hands and fingers is an essential step to enhance your clicking performance. Before attempting to increase your CPS score, it’s essential to stretch and exercise your fingers to improve blood circulation, flexibility, and strength.

One simple warm-up exercise is to stretch your fingers and palms by spreading them apart and then closing them together repeatedly. You can also try squeezing a stress ball or rubber band to strengthen your finger muscles.

Another exercise that can help warm up your hands is to perform finger push-ups. This exercise involves placing your fingers flat on a surface and lifting your palms off the ground while keeping your fingers in place. Repeat this exercise for several reps to build finger strength and dexterity.

Typing and piano exercises can also help improve finger dexterity, allowing you to click faster and more accurately. Practicing typing exercises like touch typing or playing piano scales can enhance your finger control and coordination, making it easier to execute complex clicking techniques.

Develop finger strength and dexterity

There are several exercises and techniques that you can use to strengthen your fingers and improve your clicking performance.

One effective exercise is to use a grip strengthener or hand exerciser to improve finger strength. These devices typically consist of a spring-loaded device that you squeeze with your fingers to build hand and finger strength. You can also try squeezing a stress ball or rubber band to build finger strength.

Finger dexterity exercises like playing piano or typing can also improve finger control and coordination, making it easier to execute complex clicking techniques. Typing exercises like touch typing or playing piano scales can enhance your finger control and coordination, allowing you to click more accurately and quickly.

Other techniques to improve finger strength and dexterity are to use hand grippers or hand strengtheners. These devices consist of a small ball or rubber ring that you squeeze with your fingers, building strength and dexterity.

mouse Clicking Speed

Practice regularly

Improving your CPS score requires consistent practice and dedication. Here are some best practices to help you practice and improve your CPS score:

  • Set a goal: Before you start practicing, set a goal for your desired CPS score. This will help you stay motivated and focused as you work towards improving your speed and accuracy.
  • Use online tools: There are several online tools like CPS Tester that allow you to track your CPS score accurately. Use these tools to track your progress and adjust your practice routine accordingly.
  • Start with basic techniques: If you’re new to clicking, start with basic techniques like finger clicking or alternate clicking before attempting advanced techniques like jitter clicking or drag clicking.
  • Practice consistently: Set aside a few minutes each day to practice clicking using your preferred method. Gradually increase your clicking speed and accuracy over time.
  • Take breaks: Prolonged clicking can cause muscle strain and fatigue, leading to decreased accuracy and speed. Take frequent breaks to stretch your fingers and rest your eyes to prevent injury and maintain optimal performance.
  • Focus on technique: Proper technique is essential for achieving high CPS scores. Ensure that you’re clicking with proper form and control to avoid mistakes and maximize your speed and accuracy.
  • Monitor your progress: Keep track of your progress and adjust your practice routine as necessary to improve your CPS score.

Take breaks

While practicing regularly is essential, taking breaks is equally important. Prolonged clicking can cause muscle strain and fatigue, leading to decreased accuracy and speed. Take frequent breaks to stretch your fingers and rest your eyes to prevent injury and maintain optimal performance.


Improve CPS Score

Can I achieve a high CPS score without using advanced clicking techniques?

Yes, with consistent practice, you can achieve a high CPS score without using advanced clicking techniques. Basic clicking techniques like finger clicking or alternate clicking can still yield high CPS scores.

Can clicking too fast reduce my accuracy?

Yes, clicking too fast without proper technique and control can reduce your accuracy, leading to mistakes and decreased performance.

Can taking breaks improve my CPS score?

Yes, taking breaks can prevent muscle strain and fatigue, leading to improved accuracy and speed. Frequent breaks to stretch your fingers and rest your eyes can help maintain optimal performance.

Can finger strength and dexterity exercises improve my typing skills?

Yes, finger strength and dexterity exercises can improve your typing skills by enhancing your finger control and accuracy.

Can I improve my CPS score by using auto-clicker tools?

Using auto-clicker tools is considered cheating and is not a legitimate way to improve your CPS score. It’s essential to practice clicking techniques manually and with proper technique to achieve a high CPS score.


Improving your CPS score can be a fun and rewarding challenge, but it requires patience, practice, and dedication. By utilizing the techniques and tips outlined in this guide, you can significantly increase your clicking speed and accuracy, giving you an edge in competitive gaming or improving your efficiency at work. Remember to prioritize proper ergonomics, take breaks, and warm up your hands to prevent injury and maintain optimal performance. With consistent practice and effort, you can become a lightning-fast clicker in no time.